Saturday, February 24, 2007

Back in Taipei

I made it back to Taipei with only minor problems and major discomforts. All my planes left early, but I really think longer flights should have better seats and more room. My body still aches.

I got home about 10:30pm on Thursday and had to get up at 7am for a meeting in another language. It is good to be back here though. I missed my house and housemates.

I will be putting up pictures today and tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Waikiki Camera

I will be out in front of the Waikiki Beach Camera at 11am Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday. If you want to see me there is a website you can go to. Mom and Dad have the web address. If you can't get up with them then search Waikiki Beach Camera. That should help.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Right now I am in Osaka Airport. Typing this is quite hard.Japanese characters keep popping up. The Airport is nice.There is even a nap room.I shall hit it up.It is raining like cats and dogs here. I can see the whitecaps from where I am standing.All the phones have weather emergencies buttons.I do hope we dont have to use it.I think it is time for the nap room.I will write later.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Panic Attack

My panic attack
As Mom and Dad know I always have a panic attack before I go anywhere big. Ireland was horrible. Last night I had my first Hawaii panic attack since buying the plane ticket. The panic attack does not mean I am not excited (I am). It just means I am nervous and I want to hide under the bed.

I feel better today now that I am more organized. I have maps of the airport and directions to and from the car rental place. I even reserved a tour of Pearl Harbour and Honolulu for my second day. I think I am somewhat overprepared, but thats ok.

Good times (I hope)

Friday, February 09, 2007

H.O.T.T. Hot

For the past couple of days it has been hot. Not as bad as this summer, but pretty up there. It has been at least 80 everyday with the sun shining. Just thought I tell the people who are freezing right now that. :)

My new favorite artist This song is in English, but most of his songs are in Italian.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Cleaning Fog

KB and Louise left this morning around 4:30am to catch the bus to the airport. About 12:30pm I get a text. They are still in the airport. Fog has delayed their 8:05 am flight. They actually did not fly our until almost 4pm. I could not imagine how much panic they were feeling. I can only hope that this will not happen to me next week.

I cannot believe that in less than 7 days I will be in Hawaii hopefully on a beach. How crazy is that?! I am looking forward to the change of scenery and pace, not to mention being back in America. I excited that I will be able to understand a good amount of what people say.

I am in the mist of cleaning my room and packing. I have finally decided after 5 years of packing that I will actually pack eairler than a couple of hours before I have to leave. Less stress and more time to make sure I have everything I need. I might even get up earlier and go to NY Bagels for breakfast before my flight. I like that I only lose 15 minutes of the 14th. I leave Taipei at 8:45am and arrive in Hawaii at 9:00am. I wont mention that I will be in Osaka, Japan resting for 9 hours. I do love that time difference.

There is not much to report. I have been going to tutoring, gym, and work. There seems to be nothing on TV that even I want to watch which means I am either watching a DVD, listening to a cd or watching Taiwanse music videos. Good times.