Friday, June 29, 2007


I am coming home.
July 21st to August 11th.

See you soon, Julia

Friday, June 15, 2007


Living in Taipei has its moments:

The Answer:

I just got my hair done again. Ting, my stylist, knows I will just say ok whenever she asks me about my hair color. I trust her. Our trust is our bond since we can't communicate very well. I put on my glasses two hours later and was 2 shades darker. I do like it, its not bad.
KN and I afterwards
The salon

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Coming home?

Hey everyone,

I just found out from James (urgh) that the earliest I can go home is July 21st. I have to work until the 20th. I am going to try, but with moving into a new apartment it may not happen. I will let you know.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Weird Cupcakes

Wednesday was the last day of tenth grade for us. They had to perform a part from A Midsummer Night's Dream. It went well. I had planned a party for the afternoon class, but when I walked in that morning I was told it was moved to 8:30 that morning. I had to scratch the party. Instead I had the kids come find me at 3pm and I gave them cupcakes from Ginger (the best place to get cupcakes in Taiwan). They loved them.

The class getting ready for their performances.

Leo, Jeff, and Vincent studying their lines

I am king! Robin as Oberon and Vanson as Puck.

Jeff as Lysander and Vincent as a devastated Hermia.

Tim as Lysander wooing Leo's Hermia.

Kiss my feet. Kevin 33 as Oberon and Peter as Puck.

Catherine as Lysander and Elaine as a desperate Hermia.

The cupcakes
My students after I gave them cupcakes.

Today was the weirdest day for the entire semester. I woke up to sirens at 5am. That sucked. Then none of the copiers would work with the card I had. After that I got confused when one of my students came into the office and said we had class. I thought it was 3rd period even though it has always been 2nd period. Time for the weekend.

When we have worksheets in Grades One and Two I sometimes have to color an example for class. This week we are studying pets in Grade Two. Here is my example of selling a pet. $100 dollars isn't to much to ask is it?

My singing and dancing pet Penguin