Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Favorite Song

This has been my favorite song since I heard it at KTV one night with the girls. Stephanie found the lyrics in Chinese and English.

Here are the lyrics. They are directly translated from Chinese so the grammer is not correct. You will get the idea though.

Watching you walked away stubbornly and you are not (even) turning your head (to look at me)
Should I chase you back?
It's like this every time that I have to run after you and chase after you (after a fight).
Are you tired yet?
Why does love has to become some kind of a punishment?
Still, if I give it up I would regret (my decision)
If you feel that it doesn't matter
Please let me take back all my love.
Julia, Julia, (please) don't mess things up (again)
Whether it's wrong or right, whether it's yes or no, (please) face it.
Julia, Julia, (please) don't let (our) love wither away.
Whether it is laughter or tears, don't regret it and go and feel the experience.
It's only when you understand that you need to cherish a relationship then our love is perfect.

The song keeps going, but says the same thing over again.

Take a look at the video:

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