Tuesday, March 18, 2008

End of a long week, beginning of another

For some reason I think the long weeks this year feel even longer than last year. 

We had Sunday off which was good just for my sanity. Saturday I went dancing with Kris and Christa to Luxy. It was fun. I got my hair done, which seems a trend right now for me at least. I go every week to a place and get my hair done just to get it done. It's nice. 

It was a interesting night (I bruised the crap out of my leg) and I was glad to have Sunday to sleep in. I met Christa and Geo at Chili's and then we went to Page One. 

Monday came to quickly though. It seems that I wake up, shower, dress, and teach grade one right away. This new time (8:15) is great because the day ends earlier, but gives you no time in the morning to turn of the teacher mode. 

It's time for class. I don't know how I will be able to work in a job at home. I only have three classes today. The downtime is quite nice to have so I can catch up on work (or just right blogs and emails).

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